
Everyone has heard of artificial intelligence (AI) by now. It is a hot topic in all kinds of fields. Also in online marketing.

In fact, AI is no longer of the future, but something we are already dealing with a lot today. And it's changing the way we do marketing.

Want to know what AI can do for you? I'll explain the benefits.

Benefit 1: automating tasks

One of the biggest advantages of AI is that you can automate tasks.

Every profession involves tasks that take up a lot of time. How nice, then, if you could automate those very tasks?

Consider, for example, translating a Web site. Depending on the size of a website, that used to take weeks to months, but it can now be done much faster.

For example, since this year we have been working with Clonable, a program that uses an AI to translate a website in 5 minutes.


Benefit 2: support for your employees

Not everyone is a good data analyst or content specialist . And they don't have to be.

Indeed, by providing support for different tasks, AI can complement different (missing) skills within a team.

For example, a tool like ChatGPT can write complete texts for websites. But also reports, code enscripts. In fact, just about anything to do with text.

In doing so, ChatGPT has received a new update: ChatGPT-4. It can now describe and generate images and extract key points from a video, for example.

Tip from OMA: of course, it is still important to check the output of an AI tool!

Benefit 3: Get insight into assignments quickly

With AI, we can summarize, deploy and execute tasks.

So what exactly does this look like?

Within OMA we are constantly sending tasks to each other, posting updates and conclusions and writing down what still needs to be done. It is then sometimes quite a work to get the state of affairs in focus.

So what is the solution that AI offers us?

We can now simply ask what the main points are, what still needs to be done or what the next steps are.

Then again, it is important to double check. We are and remain the specialists.

lets do this

Benefit 4: Taking over tasks

"Can I help you with something?

We used to have to answer every message manually. Even the most obvious questions.

Now we can prepare and send a response based on target keywords at the time these keywords are used.

You may have seen something like this on Instagram. For example, a content creator who says in a video, "respond with 'Cialdini' in the comments and I'll send you the complete training for free!

Super thoughtful and certainly achievable at 100 followers, but what if that same content creator gets 100,000 comments? Do you think he will answer all the comments one by one?

No way.


Benefit 5: deployable for lead generation

AI is also a perfect match when looking at lead generation. Because automatic follow-up on a target keyword is not the only thing AI can do for you.

After all, you can also use AI for LinkedIn marketing.

The DuxSoup program goes even a step further than sending messages based on target keywords. Through this tool, you can specify who you want to connect with, who you want to send a message to based on connections and when you want someone to receive a message.

Fun fact: when you turn on DuxSoup, you can actually see the Ai tool doing its job!

Benefit 6: cost savings

'All nice those tools, but that's going to cost me extra money every month!'

True, but actually not again.

Suppose a tool costs you €50, €100, €500 or even €1000 per month. That may seem like a lot of money at first, but what if those investments also bring you extra money in revenue? Or perhaps more importantly, extra time? Then it is often well worth that investment.

And this is just the beginning 

The beginning of a new digital revolution. Because AI is still evolving. By 2023, for example, 90 new AI tools were being developed every day.

And will AI eventually take over our work? I don't think so. After all, sometimes you just need some human creativity or common sense. But of course it can help you learn to work with it.

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