
From 500 to 15,000 visitors per month within 1 year.

Emiel (loyal colleague at OMA and owner of NFC World) expects the NFC market to continue to grow explosively. In order to grow along with that market, had to become the largest online player in the field of NFC products. Moreover, it is a relatively new market, so in order to stay ahead of the competition this must be achieved within two years.

Review Emiel Wessels
"'A great example that you don't always need a lot of money to grow something explosively. By doing the right things and investing time you can get there too!'"
Emiel Wessels -


Using OMA, Emiel grew NFC World's website traffic from 500 to 15,000 visitors per month. Within 1 year, we managed 30x as many visitors without spending a single euro on ads. A result we are proud of!

0 Visitors per month
0 Number 1 positions
0 Organic keywords
0 Texts written

The challenge was really in its infancy beforehand and had hardly any visitors on the website. Purchases were therefore rarely made. So the web shop first had to become well findable in order to subsequently generate a lot of money.

Emiel and we know exactly how to tackle this, so the challenge was mainly in the short period in which we had to achieve results. Moreover, we are working with the smallest possible budget. Major complicating factors, then ... but not for Emiel.

customer story NFC World
customer story NFC World

Work performed

For this project, it was important to get clear as soon as possible what keywords we wanted to be findable on. We then built a website structure around that and developed an actual website (the only real investment). To date, we are building a strong link profile and are still adding new content.

In short:

  • Keyword analysis done
  • Structure made
  • Have a website built
  • Link Building
  • Add content (blogs, landing pages, new category pages, etc.)
customer story NFC World

The results

The results were impressive! By putting full effort into SEO, went from 500 monthly visitors to 15,000 monthly visitors.

The number of goals achieved on the website also increased significantly. In addition to an average of 30 conversions in the form of completed contact forms, clicks on email addresses and clicks on phone numbers, about 100 orders are now being made per month!

customer story NFC World


It is still possible to grow a website explosively by putting full effort into SEO. Even without a budget (but with a substantial time investment).

Meanwhile, we have new goals. Emiel launched a new product the NFC business card which we now need to market. For that we do use budget and are looking at SEA opportunities. We are also starting email marketing, as we have now built up a nice mailing list!

customer story NFC World