
A chat with Nick Havekes

online marketing agency
Hi Nick!!! How are things at your new job?
Yes really super! I fell into a warm bath from day one and I'm sure I can learn an enormous amount from my colleagues.
Nick Havekes
Aah look at that, top! Good to hear. What exactly are the activities you will be involved in?
My main focus is mainly on analyzing and optimizing various Google Ads campaigns, but in addition I will also take on many technical optimizations!
Nick Havekes
And besides working at OMA, what do you like to do in your free time?
In addition to my work at OMA, I am often involved in sports. This is mainly in the form of running and cycling. Furthermore, I am a big football fan and at my house the TV is often on, or I go to a football stadium!
Nick Havekes
Another big football fan in OMA, nice! What has been the reason for you to enter the online marketing world?
The constantly changing world, which makes it necessary to keep abreast of the latest trends & developments at all times. This keeps me young and sharp ;)
Nick Havekes

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