
A chat with Gert Bos

online marketing agency
Hi Gert, how does that feel? Going to OMA every day ?
Fantastic! You never get bored here and I work in an incredibly fun team.
Gert Bos
Sounds good haha!💪🏻 Are you having so much fun besides work?
Yes definitely! From playing games with friends🎮 to lounging on the couch with a new series on. Also, I don't miss anything from Formula 1.🏎️
Gert Bos
Which series should I binge next?
Band of Brothers for sure!🧐 If you haven't seen that one yet. Highly recommended! I actually rewatch that one every year.
Gert Bos
Ugh I'll have to watch that one soon then. You mentioned Formula One. What is your favorite track on the racing calendar?
That's 100% Spa-Francorchamps.👍 Eau Rouge/Raidillon are the best corners ever.
Gert Bos

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