
But in addition to Yoast, there are other SEO plugins on the market.

One is SEOPress, a plugin that promises to be able to do more than Yoast for less money.

I was triggered by that, so I installed the plugin, tested it and spent several months fiddling with it.

And my findings I am happy to share with you.

So see here: SEOPress Review 2021 by Online Marketing Agency.

What is SEOPress?

SEOPress is a WordPress plugin developed by Benjamin Denis.

The plugin helps you make your website(s) more findable within the search engines by making SEO more accessible, easier and insightful for you.

In other words, it is a true SEO plugin, similar to plugins like Yoast and All-in One SEO.

The difference is mainly that SEOPress has more features AND for less money.

And like Yoast, SEOPress also has a free variant.

SEOpress currently has +60,000 active installations and scores an average of 4.5/5 based on 390 reviews.

So a serious party!

Features of SEOPress

As I mentioned earlier, SEOPress is free to use, as well as paid.

I'll first give you a list of the different tools within the free version:

1. Completing meta titles and meta descriptions.
2. XML Sitemap
3. HTML Sitemap
4. Google Knowledge Graph
5. Open Graph
6. Twitter Card
7. Content analysis
8. Google Analytics(AVG Proof).
9. Importing and exporting settings
10. Importing and exporting Yoast, All-in One SEO, SEO Framework and Rank Math.
11. Redirect attachments to post

At first glance, that's a nice list, but I'm definitely missing some important features.

But fortunately, you can find those features in the paid version.

By the way, the paid version costs $39 per year for an unlimited number of sites.

That last one did surprise me a little ...

... because that is incredibly pleasant!

Yes gif

Back to the tools.

In the paid version, you get all of the above features plus the following capabilities:

12. Backlinks
13. Google XML Video Sitemap
14. Google Structured Data
15. Dublin Core
16. Redirects
17. Robots.txt
18. Htaccess
19. Breadcrumbs
20. Google Analytics dashboard
21. Google Page Speed
22. WooCommerce
23. Google News Sitemap
24. 404 monitors
25. SEOpress BOT


Seeing this list does make me extremely happy.

Because this is everything my SEO heart desires.

And that for only about €30 a year for an unlimited number of sites.

It is more than worth it.

SEOPress pros and cons

I list the pros and cons for you:


  • The paid version is cheaper than Yoast and also has more features.
  • The various applications and possibilities are easy to find and are not hidden. What you see is what you get.
  • SEOPress indicates how much impact something has.
  • SEOPress works terribly fast and does not slow down the loading time of your website.
  • The installation wizard works very nicely.
  • You only need 1 license for all your websites, unlike for example with Yoast where you need several licenses.


  • I was stuck with Yoast. Then SEOPress takes some getting used to.
  • The free version of SEOPress just doesn't offer enough features.

Download the plugin right now and get started with SEOPress yourself!

As you can see, SEOPress especially has many advantages.

High time to compare SEOPress directly with its competitors.

SEOPress vs. Yoast SEO vs. All-in One SEO Pack. Are the plugins similar?

You can of course compare these plugins with each other, but what is most important is which plugin you like best.

Therefore, I always advise you to simply try out the plugin.

Do you absolutely not want to pay?

Then I recommend Yoast.

Want to get the most out of the plugin and have multiple sites?

Then go for SEOPress.

In the table below, I have contrasted all the major features of the Yoast, All-in One SEO Pack and SEOPress.

Then you can make your own choice.

NetherlandsSEOPressYoastAll-in One SEO
Titles & metasVVV
XML sitemapVVV
HTML sitemapVXX
Content analysis with unlimited keywordsVVX
Google Knowledge GraphVVV
Google Local Business Data TypeVVX
Google SuggestionsVXX
Dublin CoreVXX
SEOPress BOT - Broken linksVXX
Open GraphVVV
Twitter CardVVV
Google Analytics (GDPR ready)VXX
Import/Export settingsVVV
Remove Stop Words in permalinksVVX
Redirect attachments to post parentVVV
No Ads?VXX
No footprints?VXX
White labelVXX
Intuitive interfaceVXX
Google Structured Data TypesPROXX
Backlinks (required a Majestic API key)PROXX
Video XML SitemapPROVV
Google Analytics Stats in WordPress DashboardPROXX
Redirections 301PROVX
Edit your robots.txtPROVV
Edit your htaccessPROVV
Google Page SpeedPROXX
Google News SitemapPROVX
404 monitoringPROXX
URL RewritingPROXX

SEOPress Pro vs. Yoast SEO Premium

When it comes to the free variants of SEOPress or Yoast, I recommend Yoast.

The free version of that plugin just has more functionality.

But if you want to get more out of your websites or are considering Yoast Premium, then in my opinion you should really go for SEOPress Pro.

"Why?", I hear you thinking?

If you go for SEOPress you pay $39 per year for an unlimited number of sites.

At Yoast, you pay €79 a year....

... per website!

And that's not all.

Because within SEOPress, everything is included in the price.

With Yoast, you also need the following plugins:

  • Video SEO for WordPress (€69 per site, per year)
  • Local SEO for WordPress plugin (€69 per site, per year)
  • News SEO for WordPress plugin (€69 per site, per year)
  • Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin (€49 per site, per year.

So per year you pay €335 for all Yoast functionalities and also per website.

And yes, that amount does not include VAT....

So for me, the choice is quickly made.

Are the settings from Yoast transferable to SEOPress?

Chances are you currently have Yoast on your WordPress website.

And chances are you've also spent quite a few hours tinkering with your meta titles and meta descriptions.

You don't want to lose that one....

You don't have to with SEOpress either!

The free and paid versions both have a handy import feature, so you never lose your data.

All settings can be taken over, so there's no need to worry.

hell yeah

SEOPress price

Unlike other software/plugins/tools, SEOPress has only two options:

  • The free variant
  • A paid (Pro) variant of $39 per year for an unlimited number of sites

Within SEOPress, it's not that you have to pay more for more sites or pay more when you attract more visitors, for example.

Of course, the price may rise in the coming years, but SEOPress neatly indicates that the price you pay now is the price you will continue to pay.

SEOpress price


After months of testing, the conclusion of my SEOPress review is actually quite simple.

Don't want to pay and don't necessarily need additional features?

Then go for the free version of Yoast.

Want more features and you might be hesitant about Yoast Premium?

Then go for SEOPress Pro.

And to return to the months of testing:

SEOPress comfortably passed the test, earning it a nice 9/10.

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